July is a marvelous month for creativity to blossom and bloom. This month, check out my newest interviews at
Creativity Portal for a dose of juicy inspiration. Writer and photographer Cynthia Staples gives readers an in-depth look into her creative journey in the latest addition to my exclusive interview series, "Creating a Fun, Fabulous Career in the Arts." My
Interview with Cynthia Staples is the perfect summer read! Cynthia has generously agreed to share some of her wonderful photographs with us here. For more inspiration, please visit her blog,
Words and Images by Cynthia.
Boy and Bird
Photograph by Cynthia Staples
Photograph by Cynthia Staples
Dogwood Blooms
Photograph by Cynthia Staples
Make a Wish...
Photograph by Cynthia Staples
This month, I also interviewed Marge, the Muse of Okay-Now-Let's-Get-Started, for my exclusive Creativity Portal series, "Multicultural Muses." For the past ten months, this series has focused on interviews with Jill Badonsky's Nine Modern-Day Muses (and a Bodyguard). It's been an inspiring journey, and I've learned much from my time with them. Check out my
Interview with Marge for a little no-nonsense advice on taking your creative work to the next level. To find out more about the Modern-Day Muses and Jill's work as a creative coach, please visit her website,
The Muse Is In. Silliness, a-muse-ments, and creative juiciness abound!